9 Church Street, Carmel, NY 10512
Upcoming Events
Epiphany Sunday
This Sunday, January 5th is Epiphany Sunday. As the Three Kings brought their gifts to celebrate the birth of Jesus, the congregation is asked to bring in non-perishable food to replenish the Gilead Food Pantry.
Secret Pals Party
Join us for our annual Secret Pal Party on Sunday, January 12th after worship! We will reveal our 2024 pals with a gift and choose new ones for the coming year. Bring a treat to share. All are invited to join this fellowship in 2025!
Current Missions
Gilead Food Pantry
Gilead maintains a Food Pantry for those in our community in need, serving Carmel and Kent, NY. We accept referrals from the Departments of Social Services, Community Action Program, other churches & social service agencies, and walk-ins. ID is not required.
Pickup: Fridays at 10 AM – Noon
Christmas Giving Tree
We are gifting to two wonderful families for Christmas this year! Please take a ‘gift request snowflake’ from the bulletin board in the lounge.
Supporting our Community
Throughout the year, Gilead finds ways to help those in need. Whether it’s providing assistance to local students or providing Christmas gifts to families, we are always looking for ways to help.
Worship, Fellowship, Community
Gilead stands in support of Black lives and the lives of all who suffer from discrimination and abuse. Jesus tells us, “Whenever you did one of these things to someone overlooked or ignored, that was me—you did it to me” (Matthew 25:40). When we remain silent in the face of racism, in the face of any “ism” that allows for the mistreatment of any person based on our differences, we break the commandment to love our neighbors with all our hearts.
We as Gilead Presbyterian acknowledge our need to bear witness and to speak out for justice. We vow to educate ourselves and help tear down the structures that separate us, working to embody true “liberty and justice for all.”
Subscribe to our Emails
Gilead Presbyterian Church
9 Church Street
Carmel, NY 10512
Phone: 845-225-4586
Email: gileadpresbyterian@gmail.com