9 Church Street, Carmel, NY 10512
Holmes Presbyterian Camp & Conference Center
Holmes is the outdoor Christian education and retreat facility of the Presbyteries of Hudson River, Long Island and New York City of the Presbyterian Church (USA) within the Synod of the Northeast, representing nearly 260 congregations and 55,000 members in the metropolitan New York area. They welcome all who want to attend their camping and conference programs, and no one is excluded because of religious belief, race, gender, age or national origin.
Located just fifteen minutes north of Gilead, we are fortunate to be so close to Holmes. Over the years, many of our children have attended summer camp there; we take our confirmation kids there each spring on retreat with other confirmands from within the region; we regularly participate in meetings, workshops and worship celebrations; and sometimes individuals from Gilead have just taken a break and hiked the trails or spent a night or two there in spiritual contemplation.
Holmes Presbyterian Camp & Conference Center
60 Denton Lake Road, Holmes, NY 12531
Learn more about Holmes. The property supports two year-round conference centers, three year round retreat cabins, two seasonal youth facilities, a rustic camping program, several tent/trailer and day group areas, a stainable farm share and an environmental science and arts program. The Center’s three lakes provide the natural resource for swimming and boating activities, as well as winter fishing and ice skating. Holmes provides programmed events, as well as rental facilities for self-directed conferences and retreats. Check them out at www.holmescamp.org!
Gilead Presbyterian Church
9 Church Street
Carmel, NY 10512
Phone: 845-225-4586
Email: gileadpresbyterian@gmail.com